Saturday, June 02, 2007

Quito, Equateur

Imaginez ca : une vallée tout en longueur, 3000 metres de haut, jamais de neige, et 2 millions d'habitants. Quito c'est ca. J'ai là-bas une famille. Amanda, Paola et leur famille m'ont reçu, moi le sans-papiers, comme un fils ! Leur maman est certainement la meilleure cuisinière d'Equateur. Là-bas il suffit de choisir ces fruits exotiques dans le jardin pour se faire un jus du feu de Dieu ! C'est aussi la ville d'Esteban et Mauricio, que je ne présente plus. Plus de photos bientot.

Picture this : a very long valley, at 3000 meters high, never snowy, and 2 millions habitants. That's Quito. Over there i have a family. Amanda, Paola and family hosted me like a son, me the ID-less guy. Their mamita is probably the best cook all over Ecuador. There you just have to pick some exotic fruits in the garden to make a bloody-good juice ! That's also the town of Esteban and Mauricio, that i don't have to introduce anymore. More pics soon.


  1. Exotic fruits in the Garden !
    That sounds great !!
    Hehe .. now you already know many fruits around the world humm .. i remember you telling us in the restaurant about the green fruit you found in Ausralia or New Zealand that tasted like many fruits at the same time and they dont sell in supermarkets .

    You should take some pics of your city and put in the site !
    i am sure you wont cause you are too lazy ..
    so i guess i will have to visit you there Heheh !!!

    mil beijos sapinho !!!

    keep smiling


    and forever !!

    Te adoro muito muito muito muito
    muitoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!

  2. Hey u!

    Long time no see! lol.

    Good to see you are back on your feet again! I guess everything happens for a reason! And look what you got out of losing all your valuables... a whole new family!!! I'd do it again if I were you hahaha ;-)

    Great to see that you see the good side of life and the beauty of people in that country!

    So party in France awaits you?

  3. PartiZ in France await me ;)
    Next Saturday you are all invited !!!!

  4. Bonjour
    Mr Changenot un ami m a parlé de vous il parait que vous etes une legende de la beat box avec la bouche en amerique du sud je eu des cassettes de plus vous avez une certaine classe avec un bonnet du feu de dieu.
    Je vous sais au chomage.
    C est pour cela que je serai interressé de vous rencontré afin de signer un contrat chez universal.

    L'homme qui murmurait a l'oreile des aigles

  5. Ohh!
    Les photos sont superbes!!


  6. mdrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  7. hey lets see more pics of ecuador.. specially the ones about your last night!!
